2015年,心理意昂4正式发表的以华东师大为第一单位的SCI/SSCI论文47篇(SCI论文25篇,SSCI论文22篇)♗🗒,另有6篇在线发表🐽,3篇已接受。其中💷,多篇文章发表在美国科意昂4院报(PNAS)🔬、SCAN🙊、Brain Stimulation等国际顶级和一流期刊上,较大地提升了意昂4的国际学术影响力。在科研立项方面,2015年意昂4共获得国家社科基金重大项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目4项、省部级项目6项。其中,由刘永芳教授主持的课题《 人类合作行为的前沿问题研究🦸🏿🍪:认知的视角》获得国家社科基金重大项目立项,这在意昂4历史上为首次。意昂4合作参与的“脑计算和认知科学创新引智基地”获批“高等学校学科创新引智计划”( “111计划”)。
成果名称 | 一作/通讯 | 出版时间 | 刊物名称 | 收录情况 |
What can atypical hemispheric specialization tell us about cognitive functions | 蔡清 | 2015 | Neuroscience Bulletin | SCI |
Facing the Identity Threat : The Role of Intergroup Permeability on Chinese Migrant Children’s Social Integration | 崔丽娟 | 2015 | Social behavior and personality | SSCI |
Cross-lagged relationships between home learning environment and academic achievement in Chinese | 邓赐平 | 2015 | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | SSCI |
Examining the Cross-Lagged Relationships Between RAN and Word Reading in Chinese | 邓赐平 | 2015 | Scientific Studies of Reading | SSCI |
Recall of briefly presented chess positions and its relation to chess skill | 公彦霏 | 2015 | PLoS One | SCI/ SSCI |
Immediate memory for “when, where and what”: Short-delay retrieval using dynamic naturalistic material | 郭思齐 | 2015 | Human Brain Mapping | SCI |
Scale-invariance of temporal order discrimination using complex, naturalistic events | 郭思齐 | 2015 | Cognition | SSCI |
Exogenous features versus prior experiences modulate different subregions of the right IPL during episodic memory retrieval | 郭思齐 | 2015 | Scientific Reports | SCI |
Adaptability to changes in temporal structure is fornix dependent | 郭思齐 | 2015 | Learning & Memory | SCI |
The neural basis of implicit learning of task-irrelevant Chinese tonal sequence. | 郭秀艳 | 2015 | Experimental Brain Research | SCI |
Actor-recipient role affects neural responses to self in emotional situations | 郭秀艳 | 2015 | Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience | SCI |
Whether Others Were Treated Equally or Not Affects Neural Responses to Unfairness in the Ultimatum Game | 郭秀艳 | 2015 | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | SCI |
Incidental self-processing modulates the interaction of emotional valence and arousal | 郭秀艳 | 2015 | Experimental Brain Research | SCI |
More mind wandering, fewer original ideas: Be not distracted during creative idea generation. Acta Psychologica | 郝宁 | 2015 | Acta Psychologica | SSCI |
Interaction effect of response medium and working memory capacity on creative idea generation | 郝宁 | 2015 | Frontiers in Psychology | SSCI |
Verbal divergent thinking facilitated by a pleasurable incubation interval | 郝宁 | 2015 | Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts | SSCI |
Explaining attention-related changes in behavior and electroencephalography data through computational modeling | 库逸轩 | 2015 | Journal of Neurophysiology | SCI |
Feature-based and object-based attention orientation during short-term memory maintenance | 库逸轩 | 2015 | Journal of Neurophysiology | SCI |
Examination of Mechanisms Underlying Enhanced Memory Performance in Action Video Game Players: A Pilot Study | 库逸轩 | 2015 | Frontiers in Psychology | SSCI |
Cooperative processing in primary somatosensory cortex and posterior parietal cortex during tactile-tactile uni-modal working memory: A single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (spTMS) study | 库逸轩 | 2015 | European Journal of Neuroscience | SCI |
Sequential Roles of Primary Somatosensory Cortex and Superior Parietal Lobule in Tactile-Visual Cross-modal Working Memory: A Single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (spTMS) Study | 库逸轩 | 2015 | Brain Stimulation | SCI |
Prefrontal Cortex and Sensory Cortices during Working Memory: Quantity and Quality | 库逸轩 | 2015 | Neuroscience Bulletin | SCI |
Individual Differences in the Habitual Use of Cognitive Reappraisal Predict the Reward-related Feedback Negativity | 库逸轩 | 2015 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | SCI |
Synchronous Brain Activity during Cooperative Exchange Depends on Gender of Partner: An fNIRS-based Hyper-scanning Study | 李先春 | 2015 | Human Brain Mapping | SCI |
Myopic decisions under negative emotions correlate with altered time perception | 李先春 | 2015 | Frontiers in Psychology | SSCI |
Impaired Decision Making is Associated with Poor Inhibition Control in Nonpathological Lottery Gamblers | 李先春 | 2015 | Journal of Gambling Studies | SSCI |
Keep smiling! Is it helpful for patients with minordepression? An ERP study. | 林文毅 | 2015 | Social Behavior and Personality | SSCI |
Double reference points: The effects of social and financial reference points on decisions under risk | 陆静怡 | 2015 | Journal of Behavioral Decision Making | SSCI |
Social self-efficacy predicts Chinese college students’ first-year transition: A four-wave longitudinal investigation | 孟慧 | 2015 | Journal of Career Assessment | SSCI |
Young Chinese children's beliefs about the implications of subtypes of social withdrawal: A first look at social avoidance | 桑标 | 2015 | British Journal of Developmental Psychology | SSCI |
Starting Small: Revisiting Young Children's Perceptions of Social Withdrawal in China | 桑标 | 2015 | British Journal of Developmental Psychology | SSCI |
Lack of global precedence and global-to-local interference without local processing deficit: a robust finding in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder under different visual angles of the Navon task | 宋永宁 | 2015 | Neuropsychology | SCI |
An fMRI Study of the Functional Mechanisms of Stroop/Reverse-Stroop Effects | 宋永宁 | 2015 | Behavioural Brain Research | SCI |
Can They See It? The Functional Field of View is Narrower in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder | 宋永宁 | 2015 | PLoS ONE | SCI/ SSCI |
Levels of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with and without depressive symptoms | 王继堃 | 2015 | Acta Biochim Biophys Sin | SCI |
Depressive Symptoms, Family Functioning and Quality of Life in Chinese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes | 王继堃 | 2015 | Can J Diabetes | SCI |
Differential Roles of Delay-period Neural Activity in Monkey Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Visual-haptic Crossmodal Working Memory | 王立平 | 2015 | Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A | SCI/ SSCI |
Eating on impulse: Implicit attitudes, self-regulatory resources, and trait self-control as determinants of food consumption | 王彦 | 2015 | Eating Behaviors | SSCI |
Neural evidence for the use of digit-image mnemonic in a superior memorist: An fMRI study | 王兆新 | 2015 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | SCI |
A Highly Accurate Symmetric Optical Flow based High Dimensional Nonlinear Spatial Normalization of Brain Images | 徐冬溶 | 2015 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | SCI |
Evaluation of Non-Local Means Based Denoising Filters for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Using a New Phantom | 徐冬溶 | 2015 | PLoS ONE | SCI/ SSCI |
Rostral Medial Prefrontal Dysfunctions and Consummatory Pleasure in Schizophrenia: A Meta-analysis of Functional Imaging Studies | 严超 | 2015 | Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging | SCI |
Aesthetic Preference in the Spatial Composition of Traditional Chinese Paintings | 张卫东 | 2015 | Perception | SCI |
The influence of spatial representation on valence judgements: An event-related potential study | 张亚 | 2015 | Journal of Cognitive Psychology | SSCI |
Influence of Culture on Tripartite Self-Concept development in Adolescence: A Comparison between Han and Uyghur Cultures | 孜维达 | 2015 | Psychological Reports | SSCI |
Promoting creativity in the classroom: A generative view | 庞维国 | 2015 | Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts | SSCI |
成果名称 | 一作/通讯 | 刊物名称 | 收录情况 |
Novel, ERP-based, concealed Information detection: combining recognition-based and feedback-evoked ERPs | 桑标 | Biol Psychol | SSCI |
A Selective Impairment in Extracting Fearful Information from Another's Eyes in Autism | 宋永宁 | Autism Researc | SSCI |
Developing an integrated framework of problem-based learning and coaching psychology in medical education: A participatory research | 王青 | BMC Medical Education | SSCI |
Friendly girls and mean girls: Social constructions of popularity among teenage girls in Shanghai | 席居哲 | Japanese Psychological Research | SSCI |
Family functioning, social support, and quality of life for patients with anxiety disorder | 王继堃 | International Journal of Social Psychiatry | SSCI |
Resource Availability Hypothesis: Perceived Financial and Caloric Status Affect Individuals’ Height Preferences for Potential Partners | 陆静怡 | International Journal of Psychology | SSCI |
Musicians have larger memory spans for Mandarin tones but not segments | 王兆新 | Psychology of Music | SSCI |
Perceived reputation of others modulates empathic neural responses | 郭秀艳 | Experimental Brain Research | SCI |
The Effects of Visual Cues and Self-Explanation Prompts: Empirical Evidence in a Multimedia Environment. I | 林立甲 | nteractive Learning Environments | SSCI |
项目名称 | 负责人 | 项目级别 |
人类合作行为的前沿问题研究✨:认知的视角 | 刘永芳 | 国家社科重大项目 |
时空整合的心理和脑机制研究 | 蒯曙光 | 国家自科面上项目 |
感觉-运动信息整合在猕猴大脑皮层神经生理机制的研究 | 王立平 | 国家自科面上项目 |
精神分裂症的社会性期待愉快情绪与代价付出计算👮🏽:行为与脑功能成像研究 | 严超 | 国家自科青年项目 |
心理不安全状态下决策者的风险偏好规律及其机制 | 陆静怡 | 国家自科青年项目 |
干扰刺激影响工作记忆容量和精度的神经机制研究 | 库逸轩 | 上海市自科基金项目 |
跨模式工作记忆神经机制的研究 | 王立平 | 上海市浦江人才项目 |
教练心理学模型在医学问题导向教学法(PBL)中的应用研究 | 王青 | 教育部留学归国基金 |
教练心理学模型在发展大学生正念自主性方面的应用研究 | 王青 | 上海市晨光计划 |
对青少年走神现象的干预研究:探讨工作记忆训练的干预模式 | 胡楠荼 | 上海市哲社项目 |
影响两孩生育因素的调查研究 | 席居哲 | 上海市社科基金项目 |