






1、王立平、周永迪:Wang, L., Li, X., Lenz, F., Hsiao, S., Bodner, M, Zhou, Y-D.# and Fuster, J. (2014). Differential Roles of Delay-period Neural Activity in Monkey Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Visual-haptic Crossmodal Working Memory. PNAS, (published online).

2、蔡清(华师大为第二单位):François Leroy, Qing Cai, Stephanie L Bogart, Jessica Dubois,Olivier Coulon, Karla Monzalvo, Clara Fischer, et al. A new human-specific brain landmark: The depth asymmetry of superior temporal sulcus. PNAS (in press)



1 郭秀艳:Zheng L, Guo X, Zhu L, Li J, Chen L, Dienes Z. (2014) Whether others were treated equally affects neural responses to unfairness in the Ultimatum Game. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (in press).

2💇‍♀️、郭秀艳🫒:Guo X, Zheng L, Cheng X, Chen M, Zhu L, Li J, Chen L, Yang Z. (2014) Neural responses to unfairness and fairness depend on self-contribution to the income. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 9 (10): 1498-505.

3 库逸轩🧁、周永迪:Ku Y, Zhao D, Hao N, Hu Y, Bodner M, and Zhou Y-D, Sequential Roles of Primary Somatosensory Cortex and Posterior Parietal Cortex in Tactile-Visual Cross-modal Working Memory: A Single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (spTMS) Study.  Brain Stimulation (in press)





1 郭秀艳:Guo X, Zheng L, Cheng X, Chen M, Zhu L, Li J, Chen L, Yang Z. (2014) Neural responses to unfairness and fairness depend on self-contribution to the income. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 9 (10): 1498-505.

2➗、 李先春👔:Yangyang Zhang, Yang Hu, Shuchen Guan , Xiaolong Hong, Zhaoxin Wang and Xianchun Li (2014). Neural substrate of initiation of cross-modal working memory retrieval. PLOS ONE 9(8):e103991.

3🧝🏽、 张卫东🧮:Zhou Q, Ye X, Liao D, Zhang W. (2014) Modulation of Facial Processing by Identity Information in a Face Similarity Evaluation Task. Soc. Behav. Person., 42(8), 1325-1334.

4 李林:Qiao F, Zheng L, Li L, Zhu L, Wang Q . Reduced repetition suppression in the occipital visual cortex during repeated negative Chinese personality-trait word processing. Scand J Psychol. 2014 Dec;55(6):533-7. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12164. Epub 2014 Sep 24.



5 郝宁❗️:Ning Hao# , Yixuan Ku , Meigui Liu , Yi Hu , Roland H. Grabner & Andreas Fink (2014) Enhancing Verbal Creativity via Brief Interventions During an Incubation Interval, Creativity Research Journal, 26:1, 30-38,

6、郝宁👩🏼‍🚀:Hao, N.*, Yuan, H., Hu, Y., & Grabner, R. H. (2014).  Interaction effect of body position and arm posture on creative thinking. Learning and Individual Differences, 32, 261-265.

7桑标🦸🏿‍♀️:Biao Sang, Xinmei Deng, Ziyan Luan (2014). Which Emotional Regulatory Strategy Makes Chinese Adolescents Happier? A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Psychology, 49(6):513-8. 

8、桑标🥫:Liyang Sai, Xiaomei Zhou, Xiao Pan Ding, Genyue Fu, Biao Sang (2014). Detecting Concealed Information Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Brain Topography, DOI 10.1007/s10548-014-0352-z


(三) 应用心理学系

9崔丽娟:Jing Shi, Zhen Hao, Alexander K. Saeri, Lijuan Cui* (2014). The dual-pathway model of collective action: Impacts of types of collective action and social identity, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 17 (2)🏤,1-21  (*通讯作者)

10💂🏽‍♂️、崔丽娟:Jing Wang, Ling Qi, Lijuan Cui* (2014). The medlating effect of personality traits on the relationship between self-concealment and subjective well-being, Social behavior and personality, 42(4), 695-704 (*通讯作者)

11 王继堃:Wang J, Fan Y, Zhao X, Chen N. Pupillometry in Chinese female patients with depression: a pilot study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Feb 21;11(2):2236-43. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110202236.

12 王彦:Wang Y, Yang L, Wang Y (2014) Suppression (but Not Reappraisal) Impairs Subsequent Error Detection: An ERP Study of Emotion Regulation's Resource-Depleting Effect. PLoS ONE 9(4): e96339.

13 徐光兴:Guangxing Xu (2014) The effect of emotion and time pressure on risk decision-making. Journal of Risk research, 17(5).

14、徐光兴🤱:Guangxing Xu (2014) The relationship between work stress and mental health in medical workers in East China. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 41(2)

15、庄锦英💉:Zhuang J-Y, Zhang S, Xu J, Hu D (2014) Discriminating Males and Unpredictable Females: Males Differentiate Self-Similar Facial Cues More than Females in the Judgment of Opposite-Sex Attractiveness. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90493.

16👩🏻‍🔬👲🏽、庄锦英:Zhuang J-Y and Wang J-X (2014) Women Ornament Themselves for Intrasexual Competition near Ovulation, but for Intersexual Attraction in Luteal Phase. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106407.


(四) 认知神经科学研究所

17✌🏼、 乔志梅🤸‍♀️:Zhimei Qiao, Kangning Xie, Kai Liu, and Guoliang Li (2014). Decreased Neuronal Bursting and Phase Synchrony in the Hippocampus of Streptozotocin Diabetic Rats. Journal of diabetes research, Vol. 2014, Article ID 626108.(co-first and co-corresponding author)

18 李春霞🙆、王惠敏:Chunxia Li, Ning Zhang, Yinghe Hu, Huimin Wang*, NR2B overexpression leads to the enhancement of specific protein phosphorylation in the brain.  Brain Research. 2014, 1588:127-134

19🧛🏻‍♂️、 徐冬溶:Yan XZhou MYing LLiu WYang GWu DZhou YPeterson BSXu D. (2014).  A fast schema for parameter estimation in diffusion kurtosis imaging. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 38: 469-480.



刘永芳:张 葳 刘永芳# 孙庆洲 胡启旭 刘 毅 (2014) 异性交友决策任务上为不同心理距离他人决策的风险偏好. 心理学报,46(11)





1、王立平🏇🏼、周永迪:Wang, L., Li, X., Lenz, F., Hsiao, S., Bodner, M, Zhou, Y-D.# and Fuster, J. (2014). Differential Roles of Delay-period Neural Activity in Monkey Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Visual-haptic Crossmodal Working Memory. PNAS, (published online).

2👨🏼、 林立甲:Lijia Lin et al. The Effects of Visual Cues and Self-Explanation Prompts: Empirical Evidence in a Multimedia Environment. Interactive Learning Environments, published online . DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2014.924531

3 孟慧🤌🏼:Meng, H., Huang, P., Hou, N., & Fan, J. Social self-efficacy predicts Chinese college students’ first-year transition: A four-wave longitudinal investigation.  Journal of Career Assessment online 26 August, DOI: 10.1177/1069072714547482.




1、郭秀艳:Zheng L, Guo X, Zhu L, Li J, Chen L, Dienes Z. (2014) Whether others were treated equally affects neural responses to unfairness in the Ultimatum Game. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (in press).

2👦🏽、郭秀艳:Wang Q, Zheng L, Li L, Xu X, Cheng X, Ning R, Dienes Z, Guo X (2014) . Incidental self-processing modulates the interaction of emotional valence and arousal.  Exp Brain Res (in press)

3李先春:Hong X, Zheng L, Li X. Impaired Decision Making is Associated with Poor Inhibition Control in Nonpathological Lottery Gamblers.  J Gambl Stud (in press).

4、郝宁: Hao, N.*, Liu, M. G., Ku, Y. X., Hu, Y., & Runco, M. A. (2015). Verbal divergent thinking facilitated by a pleasurable incubation interval. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. (accepted)

5、崔丽娟🦛:Facing the Identity Threat : The Role of Intergroup Permeability on Chinese Migrant Children’s Social Integration. Social behavior and personality(accepted)

6、陆静怡:Lu, J., Xie, X., Wang, M., & Tang, X. (accepted). Double reference points: The effects of social and financial reference points on decisions under risk. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. (accepted)

7😜📘、库逸轩、周永迪🛌🏻:Ku Y, Zhao D, Hao N, Hu Y, Bodner M, and Zhou Y-D, Sequential Roles of Primary Somatosensory Cortex and Posterior Parietal Cortex in Tactile-Visual Cross-modal Working Memory: A Single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (spTMS) Study.  Brain Stimulation (in press)

8、库逸轩、周永迪:Ku, Y., Bodner, M. and Zhou, Y-D. (2014). Prefrontal Cortex and Sensory Cortices during Working Memory: Quantity and Quality.  Neuroscience Bulletin, (in press).

9📻、 蔡清:Qing CaiWhat can atypical hemispheric specialization tell us about cognitive functions. Neuroscience Bulletin, (in press).




1🪶、桑标:Neural correlates of second-order verbal deception: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study👩🏼‍🦱, Xiao Pan Dinga, 1, Liyang Saib, 1, Genyue Fua, Corresponding author contact information, E-mail the corresponding author, Jiangang Liuc, Kang Leea, d, Corresponding author contact information, E-mail the corresponding author  NeuroImage Volume 87, 2014, Pages 505–514。

2👀📏、桑标🐕:Xuechen Ding, Murray Weeks, Junshen Liu, Biao Sang, Ying Zhou.SI-SHY Relations between Unsociability and Peer Problems in Chinese Children: Moderating Effect of Behavioral Control. Infant and Child Development,  DOI: 10.1002/icd.1864

3 崔丽娟:Airong Zhang*#, Lijuan Cui*#, Aarti Iyer,Jolanda Jetten, Zhen Hao. When reality bites: Hopeful thinking mediates the discrimination-life satisfaction relationship. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy , Vol. 00, No. 00, 2014, pp. 1--15 (*并列第一作者💔,#并列通讯作者)

4 王继堃👌🏼🚴🏼‍♂️:M He, Y Zhang, XD Zhao, Wang Jikun (2014). Family functioning in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients with and without depressive symptoms: a cross-sectional study. Psychopathology, 47(1):39-44

5、王继堃🚙:M He, Wang Jikun.  Decreased serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2014; 46(5):426-427. (Corresponding author)

6 库逸轩🪨:Civil C, Zhao D, Ku Y, Heike H, Lavric A, McLaren I.P.L., (2014) Perceptual learning and inversion effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 40(2):144-161.

7、庞维国:Long,H. & Pang, W(通讯作者). (2015). Rater effects in creativity assessment: A mixed methods investigation. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 15, 13-25.(在线发表)




1🧑🏽‍🔬、 邓赐平🚃:Chen-Huei Liao, Ciping Deng, Jessica Hamilton, Shuk Ching Lee, Wei Wei, George K. Georgiou. A Comprehensive Examination of the Role of Rapid Naming in Reading Development and Dyslexia in Chinese. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (accepted).

2 严超🙅🏿‍♂️:Yi Wang#, Chao Yan#, Da-zhi Yin, Min-xia Fan, Eric F. C. Cheung, Christos Pantelis, Raymond C. K. Chan.  Neurobiological Changes of Schizotypy: Evidence from both Volume Based Morphometric Analysis and Resting-State Functional Connectivity. Schizophrenia Bulletin, (in press) .

3🙎🏽‍♀️、 蔡清:François Leroy, Qing Cai, Stephanie L Bogart, Jessica Dubois,Olivier Coulon, Karla Monzalvo, Clara Fischer, et al. A new human-specific brain landmark: The depth asymmetry of superior temporal sulcus. PNAS (in press)

4、 何子江🌮、周柳🤸🏽:Jun Wu, Liu Zhou, Pan Shi, Zijiang He, and Teng Leng Ooi (2014).  The Visible Ground Surface as a Reference Frame forScaling Binocular Depth of a Target in Midair. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, (in press)



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