意昂42010级博士生王挺和徐光兴及其研究团队论文《益气养心中药联合认知疗法治疗广泛性焦虑症的临床研究》。(Efficacy of Yiqiyangxin Chinese medicine compound combined with cognitive therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders)近期已发表于国际期刊《亚太热带医学杂志》(Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine)第2012,5(10)期,Doi:10.1016/s1995-7645(12)60150-3。该杂志被SCI收录©️,主要刊发来自热带医学及其相关学科的病理学、生物学🤦🏻♀️、流行病学等方面的基础、临床研究成果🏊🏼♀️,开设基础研究、临床研究、病例报告、临床经验👩🏿、学术讨论等不同学科的专栏,其2011年影响因子为0.371.
Impact Factor:
2011: 0.371
Efficacy of Yi-Qi-Yang-Xin Chinese Herb Combined with Cognitive Therapy in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorders
Ting Wang1, Jingyuan Ding 2, Guanxing Xu1, Yu Zeng3, Sanrong Xiao3*
1School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, P.R.China
2East China Sanatorium,Wuxi, 214065 , P.R.China
3Department of Management,Hainan Medical University,Haikou, 571101, P.R.China
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Yi-Qi-Yang-Xin (Y-Q-Y-X) Chinese Herbal Medicine combined with cognitive therapy on generalized anxiety disorders. Methods: 202 generalized anxiety disorders (GAD) patients were randomly allocated to a control condition (Paroxetine combined with cognitive therapy) or a treatment condition (Y-Q-Y-X Chinese Herbal Medicine combined with cognitive therapy). Subsequently, we detect the patients’ scores of Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and blood routine, urine routine, liver function, renal function, electrocardiogram. In the detection time order, we chose before treatment, treatment for 3 months, treatment for 6 months and stopped taking the medicine after 6 months, respectively. Results: Control group and treatment group of HAMA and SAS scores significantly reduced (P<0.001) after treatment, but the two groups between HAMA and SAS scores, apparent effect and effectiveness have no significantly differences (P>0.05). The control group HAMA and SAS scores significantly increased (P<0.05) after stopping taking the medicine. The two groups in HAMA and SAS scores, recurrent disease and adverse reaction have significantly differences (P<0.001). The treatment group has less emergenced in recurrent disease and adverse reaction in the clinic. The two groups examination in blood routine, urine routine, liver and renal function, electrocardiogram showed no apparent abnormality. Conclusion: Y-Q-Y-X Chinese Herbal Medicine combined with cognitive therapy in the treatment of GAD can significantly reduce the recurrence after stopping taking the medicine. Furthermore, fewer adverse reactions can be occurred. The treatment program has a certain promotion value and it also can be applied to the clinic in the further.
Yi-Qi-Yang-Xin Chinese Herbal Medicine, Cognitive Therapy, Generalized Anxiety Disorder
*Corresponding author: Sanrong Xiao, Department of Management𓀂,Hainan Medical University,Haikou 571101, China Tel: +86-13637643740 E-mail:xsrong0791@163.com